Profil Eliza Vardanyan

Inktober 2023 / Illustration series

Inktober 2023
Inktober is my favourite movement, cause traditional art is close to my heart. I am exicited to see art coming to life during this month, so many artists have such interesting and unique ideas to make the challenge even more thrilling. Its my second time participating in Inktober and i decided to take it to the next level, and wrote a little story about it.
"The story is about a girl named Lily. She always noticed unusual details in everyday life. She loved drawing since she was little and always carried her sketchbook with her. Somedays walking around her favourite places, Lily loved to imagine magical worlds and draw these images on paper. 
Many years passed and that girl had already grown up; one day arriving at her parents` house she found her favourite sketchbook in her old room. Sitting on the bed Lily began to leaf through the already faded illustrations and read the captions under them. She wanted other people to see it too cause once a little girl created these stories but no one ever saw them. Lily desided to collect all the illustrations into a single book and publish it so that children in any corner of the world could see these stories and also be inspired to create."
This was definetely an interesting experiment, and one of the hardest projects that i have ever done.
Not all my Inktober works are collected here so you can see the whole series on my instagram if you are interested.

"i fell asleep on the edge of the forest where flower blanket gave me peacefull dreams and flowers guarded my sleep."
"Spiders were crawling on the tree above me but not simple ones. They had flower patterns on them. I started talking to them but they didn`t answer."
"I wandered for a long time trying to find a way out but came back every time. The spiders began to show me the way back home and eventually led me out of the forest."
"I found a map of the flower garden in the forest with ladybugs sitting on it. I wonder what treasures are hidden there?"
"Following the map and ladybugs i found a huge golden flower under the thick currant bushes."
"I think i saw a little fairy in that garden. How fairies live? Do they fly? I can only draw my assumptions and maybe they will turn out to be true someday, who knows?"
"I cut my  hair and put on my favourite raincoat. October is my favourite month because i can walk in the rain and enjoy the nature."
"I wandered through the forests for a long time in the hope of getting out. Animals helped me all this time. The raincoat became uncomfortable and I changed it to other clothes that I made myself."
"The wind picked up my umbrella and carried me away after the flower whirlwind."
"I finally found a place where i can get help. It got cold so i ran inside the castle on the hill."
"There were many beautiful rooms in the castle but not a single person, so I stayed to live here. I also found a secret room with weapons. So cool!"
"When i felt bored or lonely i drew. Here are two sketches i did lately."
"This one i like better"
"I wish I could have a horse and ride away wherever my eyes lead me. maybe a magic fairy can make my wish come true?"
"Spring has come...I found a beautiful lake next to the garden and often go swimming there"
"It’s already December, how quickly time flies... maybe today I’ll find myself some lunch in the forest?"
"I started having dreams, and this had never happened before. The image of a mysterious girl flashes in my head. I'll draw it so I don't forget. What if it's a fairy?"
"It’s spring again, the snow is melting and there are a lot of puddles in the forest. I used to love jumping in puddles..."
"I had a dream again, but this time it was a warning. But who is in danger? Me?"
"“Remove your inner self” these words are constantly in my head. But when you try to get rid of the real you, you only get rid of the buds, but not the roots. Am i going crazy?"
"Today the door to the castle broke and a wolf tried to get in at night. But I managed to lock the doors. How long this will take?"
"I put on my cape and gear to be ready to fight back. But I think soon I will have to leave this place too. Maybe I will find my home next to the stars? Let them show me the way"
"Along the way I came across many fables, but what surprised me most was the small island on which the sad girl was sitting. I was afraid to approach her and therefore continued on my way."
"Last page left. It's December and I still haven't found my place. The forest is warm thanks to the burning tulips. I think they deserve to be drawn on the last page of my sketchbook."
Thank you for watching!
Follow me on instagram to see more of my works.
Inktober 2023 / Illustration series


Inktober 2023 / Illustration series
