Thursday Night (2023)

What do you think about the dream? Dreamy atmosphere and floating objects are probably the element of it, but have you ever had this dream?
Artwork no. 5 of my personal project “That night I’ve seen it again”. The project is to visualize people’s common dream into illustrations, conveying embedded emotions, feelings, and sentiments concealed.

Thursday night, I had a dream.

Being chased or chasing is the both most tiring thing of all time. I neither know what I am running away from, nor what I’m chasing. I just keep running. Why does the finish line seem so distant, as if it has wings to fly? And how fast do we need to reach it anyway? When they say 'everyone has their own path,' it's just to comfort, isn't it? Because we know that seeing others sprint ahead is quite disheartening. And my own pace is painfully slow. Or am I running in circles? So tired. The “Self-conquest is the greats of victory” is sadly a bit out of my hand.
Too tired.

I want to wake up.
Thursday Night


Thursday Night


Creative Fields