Illustration by Mark Pernice
Seek Magazine, 2022
Editorial Design, Photo Direction, Infographic Design

Seek is the biannual science research magazine of The Rockefeller University. Expanding beyond the interest of scientific results, Seek delves into the people, conversations and ideas that drive and spark new questions and discoveries.

Seek uses intelligent, engaging design to complement its editorial content, using infographics, illustrations, and behind-the-scenes photography to illuminate the university's groundbreaking research. Read more about Seek's design here.

I worked with my studio team to approach each section of this issue as a unique part of a whole, pulling from Rockefeller's rich and unique photography collections, designing engaging infographics, and using the magazine's flexible templates and typography to elucidate the fascinating work covered in this publication.

Size: 8.25" x 10.875"
Page Count: 48
Binding: Perfect
Typeface: Quadraat

Design Firm: Point Five
Creative Direction: Nathan Eames and Nikita Kataev
Illustration by Matt Chinworth
Illustration by Celyn Brazier
Seek Magazine


Seek Magazine

Seek is the biannual science research magazine of The Rockefeller University. Expanding beyond the interest of scientific results, Seek delves in Meer lezen
