Henkilön Visual 3D wala profiili

Icing pouring into coke Glass cup

Glass cup and icing pouring into the coke glass.

The glass cup and icing pouring into the coke glass designed in Blender 3D is a dynamic and visually appealing scene. The glass cup is transparent, so the viewer can see the coke being poured inside. The icing is white and fluffy, and it contrasts nicely with the dark brown coke. The scene is well-lit, and the reflections on the glass cup add to the realism.
The icing is white and fluffy. It is being poured from a silver pitcher into the glass cup. The icing pours in a smooth, continuous stream.
The scene is well-lit. There is a light source above the scene, which casts shadows on the glass cup and the table. There are also reflections on the glass cup.
The overall effect is very pleasing to the eye. The scene is realistic and visually appealing.

#3dart #3dcup #3dglass #3dicing #icing #b3d
Icing pouring into coke Glass cup


Icing pouring into coke Glass cup
