Climate change is real and increasingly affects our daily lives. These three artworks, situated in this context, aim to emphasize the importance of the issue in public and political awareness. 
Briefly speaking about each one:

1. Humanity, often adopting a "King" position, places the city above everything. It is its own crown, a symbol of great power and pride. However, it now finds itself threatened and ailing due to the planet's warming.

2. Hands, symbolizing humanity, are depicted as agents that can both plant and give life to the world and deforest, condemning it to its death. The planet, presented in the form of a clock, underscores the passage of time in the decision-making process of which of these two paths to take.

3. The suffering of animals, losing their natural habitat due to deforestation, is brought into focus. Hitchhiking with an alien is an irony that highlights the lack of prospects they are left with.
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Global climate change

Global climate change


