Perfil de Henri van der Merwe

Adaptor Brand Style Guide


Adaptor is a motion design studio that aims to help environmentally-aware organisations and companies promote sustainable solutions to the ecological crisis. They have previously commissioned me to design their first logo, now it was time to create their first brand style guide and to see how the logo works as a key part of a visual identity system - of course among other elements, such as colour, typography and imagery.

Note: The images within the 'Imagery/Visual Materials' section were created by Adaptor. 

Project goal

Developing a visual identity that compliments Adaptor's sustainability-focused brand strategy to help them stand out and consistently communicate or represent themselves visually to their environmentally-aware target audience.

Thank you for watching!

Note: The images within the 'Imagery/Visual Materials' section were created by Adaptor. They have granted me permission to include those in my presentation. 

Adaptor Brand Style Guide
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Adaptor Brand Style Guide

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