The Impact of Advertising – Alcohol 
How has mass-media, historical, social, cultural and digital technology had an effect on this? 
Over the last 13 years, marketing has developed and changed over a variety of different cultures, utilising majorly different styles to appeal to a variety of demographics with their products. 

I have selected the following topic to discuss because alcohol is a widely used and normalised product, and there is such variety in every bottle with its taste and texture. I’m interested in analysing different advertisements to see how businesses utilise the technology of the time and other skills to appeal to consumers. Throughout this selection I will explore how the advertising of three select alcohol brands have changed in response to developing technology and a changing target market. 
The first advert is for The Kraken Rum – Black Spiced. It was originally published in 2010 and created by Proximo Spirits; which focuses on creating sharp and strong rum advertised through illustrative and creative methods. 
I can see that the company uses one surreal aspect (the Kraken) to draw a viewer’s attention. This basic surrounding area of a typical old bar, is contrasted by the fear and worry present on the patrons faces once this drink is ordered, and the sudden appearance of a Kraken tentacle is enough to quickly catch your eyes. Lastly, the clever slogan only accentuates the advertisement’s visuals; “Put a beast in your belly.” 

All these visuals represent the sheer strength and kick of the drink, and how the alcohol content can really catch a consumer off-guard. This combination of an enthralling advertisement, and it being a warning, creates a sense of dangerous curiosity that pushes a potential consumer to purchase. 
The main technology used here has been CGI effects and sound effects solely for the Kraken. Due to the age of the advertisement, some of the acting, sound and effects are slightly cheap, but the main content of the advertisement is still efficiently pushed. 

The advert uses the viewer’s intrigue and curiosity to get them to purchase the product, as the mysterious metaphor behind its main symbol (the Kraken) can easily draw attention.  
The main influence of the product and advert as a whole, is the pirate/oversea elements that come with a typical viewer’s knowledge and expectations with rum. 
The second advert is for Jack Daniels – Tennessee Fire, it was originally published in 2015 and created by the Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey Distillery

I can see that the main element of the advert (fire) is very explosive and chaotic, the sudden burst of bright visuals and noise can efficiently catch a viewer’s attention; leaving the wondering what the advert is about as they watch on. The advert only leaves one hint about what it’s about (a poster with Jack Daniel on it), before eventually leading to revealing the bottle.  
This all represents the new and powerful spice and flavour that is being produced, the exploding pipes and erupting fire all funnelling into the iconic bottle demonstrating its heat and strength; finally plunging it into water for that chilled aspect and showing the new bottle for the flavour. All of this creates a great advert that catches every viewer’s attention, and especially drawing that target audience who consume strong alcohol to go and purchase the new product. 

Once again, CGI effects have been used for the flames and a few other elements. However, the quality is much higher over the five years, with it almost being indistinguishable from real fire and damage. 
This advert uses mysterious curiosity and timing to keep the potential consumer invested in the video, with a large number of senses being highlighted through the sudden destruction and chaos. The advert drops a hint or two about the potential product, but otherwise keeps it a mystery until the end, keeping the viewer watching until the end to see the important product.  
A weakness of the advertisement may be not showing the company and product until the end, so the consumer may be disappointed by the product if they aren’t the target market, or even ignore the advert all together out of not knowing what it is. 
The third and final advert is for Aviation American Gin, it was originally published in 2019 and created by House Spirit Distillery

I can see that the method of advertisements throughout the variety the product gets, are quite different compared to many other brands. Firstly, you can easily see what catches a potential consumer’s attention when an advertisement might play; Ryan Reynolds is endorsing the product in all of the adverts. Seeing such a big actor support the product, will immediately garner more viewership. Combining this with the actor’s well done and appreciated dry humour, as he flawlessly explains the product in a variety of different and unique ways creates an extremely efficient and entertaining advertisement that people will want to buy. This also promotes advert longevity and freshness, by making many viewers want to come back and watch the advert itself once uploaded onto video sites. While many come back to be entertained by the actor once again, this subconsciously elevates interest in the product he is selling, and many comments state finally purchasing the product and enjoying it; creating more sales. 

Unlike other adverts, these ones do not use excessive technology and CGI, focusing only on the actor and his skills to effectively deliver an intriguing product. The most is a variety in camera shots to accentuate the performance. Dry humour and comedy intertwined with product presentation creates an entertaining advertisement that doesn’t drag on and keeps your attention. A weakness is if the comedy doesn’t land or the actor doesn’t interest you, the advert has no other strengths to help appeal to a different audience. 

The advert is massively influenced socially, by using a highly recognised actor as its centrepiece to attract attention and popularity. 
When reflecting upon all these different styles of alcohol branding and advertisement, we can see even despite such different ways of appealing to consumers, that the overall quality develops a fair amount in such a small collection of years. However, we can also see that as technology develops, people still find unique and interesting ways to gather viewers that don’t resort to the media standard. I think these changes have occurred because of a staleness entering the industry through just CGI adverts, so companies are seeking other ways to stand out. Lastly, even though the two adverts at the beginning are well made, I think Aviation Gin stands above due to its unique delivery, efficient and simple factor that draws popularity, and ease in advertisement making. 
Essay by Benjamin Puddy ​​​​​​​
The Impact of Advertising - Alcohol

The Impact of Advertising - Alcohol



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