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Teenage Kitchen Rampage

Client / Love Police
Year / 2013
Art direction and graphic design for cookbook Teenage Kitchen Rampage. Co-designed with 
Peter Oxley, the author and bass player from seminal '80s Australian rock group The Sunnyboys
A book to offer home-alone teenagers, uni students, or any wannabe young cook a helping hand,
Teenage Kitchen Rampage has 45 recipes from boiling an egg to roasting vegies, mashing potatoes
through to mouth watering main meals, salads and desserts as well as entertaining and shopping tips. 
96 pages with spot varnish and metallic foil stamping for the cover.
Cover illustration by Paul McNeil.
Inside illustrations by Peter and Eric Oxley.
Photography by Maree Homer.
Styling by Louise Bickle. 
Front cover
Back cover
Spine - detail
Inside pages
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Inside pages
Inside pages - detail
Inside pages
Inside pages - detail
Inside pages
Inside pages
Inside pages
Inside pages
Inside pages - detail
Inside pages
Inside pages
Inside pages
Inside pages
Inside pages
Inside pages
Inside pages
Teenage Kitchen Rampage

Teenage Kitchen Rampage

Art direction and graphic design for cookbook ‘Teenage Kitchen Rampage’.
