Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, Working together is Success.
Henry Ford was an American industrialist and business magnate who lived from July 30, 1863, to April 7, 1947. In addition to being the primary inventor of the assembly line method of mass production, he founded Ford Motor Company. Ford was the first American middle-classman to produce a car, and his transformation of the vehicle from a pricey luxury to a widely available mode of transportation had a significant influence on twentieth-century American culture.
Ford was raised on a farm in Spring wells Township, Michigan, and left at the age of 16 to work in Detroit. A few years prior to this, Ford had his first experience with automobiles. In the latter part of the 1880s, he started working on engines, first repairing them and then building new ones. From the 1890s, he collaborated with an Edison Electric division. He officially founded Ford Motor Company in 1903, after prior failures in business but success in constructing automobiles.
When Ford introduced the Model T car in 1908, it completely changed American industry and transportation. Being the only owner of Ford Motor Company, he rose to become one of the wealthiest and most well-known individuals globally. He is recognized as the founder of “Fordism,” which is the mass manufacturing of low-cost products at high worker wages. Ford was one of the forerunners of the five-day workweek as well. Ford thought that the path to world peace lay in consumerism. Numerous technological and commercial innovations, including a franchise system that positioned dealerships across major cities on six continents and all of North America, were the product of his unwavering commitment to methodically cutting costs.
He received a patent in 1911 for the transmission mechanism used in the Model T and other cars.
Henry Ford