二三國際 23Design's profile

莫比烏斯 Mobius

莫比烏斯 Mobius



The broad mind and vision of space users due to growing up in a different place have allowed their taste and personality to accumulate and grow bit by bit over time, and they have begun to understand the beauty of different aspects of life in their thirties.

The hot sweat wakes up the morning time, as if recalling the fragrant sunshine of surfing in California; occasionally there is work and meetings in the afternoon, which sets off a wave of brainstorming; at sunset, a cigar is paired with smoke or peat, waiting for the privacy of the night. A feast for your taste buds with the chef’s delicacies.

The Möbius strip connects different aspects of life, time and space. The design creates flexibility and random changes in daily use functions. Layer by layer, circle by circle, it stacks up a quiet and quiet luxury. , explore the unknown and infinite boundaries, mysterious and elegant, strong and unrestrained.
設計|二三國際 23Design
攝影|嘿起司 Hey!Cheese
23Design inc.

台灣 台北 & 桃園
Taiwan Taipei & Taoyuan
莫比烏斯 Mobius


莫比烏斯 Mobius
