Profiel van Gülcan Özbek

My project for the Adidas competition '22

*İstanbul'u dinliyorum gözlerim kapalı
Kuşlar geçiyor derken
Yükseklerden sürü sürü, çığlık çığlık
Ağlar çekiliyor dalyanlarda
Bir kadının suya değiyor ayakları
*Orhan Veli Kanık
The Istanbul that appears in my mind gives me a visual feast. The first things that come to my mind are the seagulls singing and flapping their wings in unison, our bridges that are different during the day and different at night, and the sparkles created by their burning lights. While creating my collection, I aimed to create a more dynamic Istanbul spirit by blending these basic pieces with the active sportswear that Adidas wants to convey to its customers with the energetic, lively and lively structure that I dream of.

I created patterns with inspiration from the Bosphorus
"Twinkling sea-gull"
"Light of the Bosphorus"
"Sunset in the Bosphorus"
Thank you :*
My project for the Adidas competition '22

My project for the Adidas competition '22
