Profil Vanessa Ongodi

Healthy Child, Healthy Nation

Healthy Child, Healthy Nation
Malnutrition may not only harm a child's health, but it can also impede their future development. For instance, stunting can prevent children from ever reaching their full height or cognitive potential. It also puts 43% of children under five in low- and middle-income nations at higher risk of poverty.

Adult earnings for stunted children are 20% lower than those of their non-stunted peers.
Also, undernourished mothers are more likely to have underweight or stunted children, which feeds the cycle of poverty and undernutrition.

How often does the world think about the impact nutrition has on early child development, especially in nations faced with insecurity?

These thoughts inspired this project which I converted to an interactive data visualisation which helps you explore through the different countries information. You can explore the project here
Web Format

1. World Health Organisation. (2023). Malnutrition in Children. WHO

2. Hannah Ritchie, Pablo Rosado and Max Roser (2023) - "Hunger and Undernourishment". Published online at Retrieved from: '' [Online Resource]
Healthy Child, Healthy Nation


Healthy Child, Healthy Nation
