Profil appartenant à Lucas O'Brien

Pattern Collection: Tropical Tapestries

This Pattern Collection was developed for an Illustration class. The design pulls elements from the idea of coffee being tied to Brazilian hospitality. The idea was to create a Hero, Secondary, and Blender pattern showcasing the beautiful  intentional relationships that can form over sharing coffee using simple shapes and ornaments. The patterns pulls colors heavily influenced from the Brazil, giving a cohesion to the pattern collection as a whole. 
The elements showcased above within the pattern collection are a visual representation of the care and affection that underpin the theme of hospitality. Notably, two distinct coffee mug designs emphasize diversity, while the inclusion of two dessert options signifies a commitment to choice and openness. In a deliberate nod to the coffee culture that inspires this collection, the coffee bean, flowers, and leaves have been artfully colored to evoke the earthy tones synonymous with the coffee experience. This color palette not only maintains thematic consistency but also imbues the patterns with a sense of natural authenticity and depth.​​​​​​​
Color plays a pivotal role within this pattern collection, as each hue bears a distinct connection to the coffee elements, be it through landscapes or Brazil's color palettes. These colors exude a vibrant and bold character that underscores the earthy tones intrinsic to the coffee making process. In unison, they honor the coffee origins of Brazil, all the while upholding a color harmony in the palette.
These mockups demonstrate a successful use of the pattern collection through the use of branding for a local coffee shop's product packaging.
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Pattern Collection: Tropical Tapestries
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Pattern Collection: Tropical Tapestries

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