Tubi or not Tubi (2021-2023) 
Tubi, dubi-dubi, or the toga is a method of hair styling used to straighten or stretch the hair by securing it with hairpins (bobby pins) around the head and keeping it in place with a hair net (cap). While the exact origin of the Tubi is unknown, it is believed to have been invented several decades ago to manage and smooth curly and unruly hair, particularly in combating frizz that occurs in individuals with curly hair living in highly humid climates.
Dominican women, particularly those with black, mestizo, or mulatto backgrounds who often have coarse or extremely curly hair, have relied on the Tubi method as a dependable way to maintain straight and manageable hair.
I grew up in a society where having curly hair was associated with two possibilities: either belonging to a lower socioeconomic background or being perceived as unkempt and untidy. I have vivid memories of my early childhood when my father would criticize me for looking disheveled because of my curly locks. However, whenever my mother took me to the hair salon to have my hair straightened, my father would then compliment me, saying that my hair looked better when it was combed. Another early memory related to hair is that my hair was kept very short, as my parents believed that short curls were more manageable, easier to comb, and control.
As I entered my teenage years, a friend introduced me to the world of hair straightening. Since then, straightening my hair has become a challenging yet permanent aspect of my life. In my experience, individuals with natural curly hair often face criticism from themselves, their families, and society. In response to these critiques, we endure endless visits to the hair salon, withstand the high temperatures of hair dryers, and endure the discomfort of hair pulling—all in an attempt to tame our unruly curls and meet society's standards of straight and styled hair.
"Tubi or not Tubi" is an artistic project that showcases how social prejudices oppress identity. It focuses on analyzing and exposing the negative connotations that have been assigned to curly hair, both historically and in contemporary Dominican society.
Tubi or not Tubi is a video time-lapse created using photographs or still images captured at specific time intervals. These images are in digital format and are intended to be exhibited through projection using a data show or on a flat screen.
December 25 has been called "National Tubi Day”.


Tubi Or Not Tubi

Tubi Or Not Tubi


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