Ryan Helgering さんのプロファイル

Altered Flesh - Game Design Document

(Updated more Often and easier to navigate)

Game Design Document
Altered Flesh

The Story:

<Work in progress>

The World:

The game is set in the near future Earth 2030 it has been 2 years since the Great Tear which is a tear in the fabric of space that was caused by an experiment gone wrong. The great tear caused the laws of physics and nature itself to break, which in turn caused the world to plummet into chaos killing about 90% of the human population, local government's fall, and anarchy rules all. But there are a few strongholds of civilization most of them were built by big mega-corporations that are now experimenting on people with Tear Matter which originated from the tear to forcefully evolve humankind to make people able to fully adapt to the new world at all costs, this project is called Project REBIRTH.

The Character:

<Work in progress>

MDA (Mechanics Dynamics Ascetics)


The Player Mechanics:

The player has many different mechanics, starting with the player's health of course. The player, at the start of the game, has a total of 100 HP[1] which can be upgraded later in the game to 300 HP and when the player's health drops to 0 the player dies.​​​​​​​

Then there is also ammo for the parry weapon as the player starts the game with 6 shots which can be replenished by crafting them or finding them in the environment. The player can also receive and take damage, when the player gets hit by an enemy the player takes damage depending on the enemy and the type of the attack, some enemy attacks also apply certain effects like a bleeding effect which causes low damage to the player overtime, a burn effect can also be caused by an attack which causes the player to take damage and have less stamina, until the fire is extinguished.

The player also has stamina which if empty causes the player to not be able to run, attack or dodge until the player has regained enough stamina back to preform those actions again, the player starts with 100 stamina and can be upgraded to a maximum of 400.

The player can also parry using a gun, the player can parry when the enemy tries to attack the player during the attack the player has a small window of time to parry, on a successful parry the player can counter-attack to deal double damage however, if the player misses the parry or parry’s to late the player takes normal damage and gets stunned.

The player can also dodge as a safer alternative to parrying however this does take stamina so the player needs to watch out that they don’t run out of stamina by trying to dodge too much so there is still the risk.


The player can run to, for instance, run away from an enemy or to get to an area faster but, the player can also combine it with attacks to deal extra damage and to jump further.


The player can also attack to deal damage to enemies and ultimately defeat them. The player has multiple moves that they can do, to dispatch the enemy, the player can charge an attack by holding the heavy attack button to deal extra damage but it takes time and leaves the player vulnerable to an attack, the player can also jump and press the light attack button to do an in air hit, or the player could press the heavy attack button to perform a ground pound causing damage in a small radius. Attacks can also be paired together to get special moves that do an increased amount of damage and they can also stun the enemy.


The player can unlock skills to upgrade their attacks, weapons, health, stamina, and learn new moves. the player can gain skill points to spend in a skill tree by gaining XP which can be earned by killing enemies and finding loot.

Environment Mechanics

Of course, the player is not the only thing in Altered Flesh with mechanics, the environment also has some mechanics. Here you can find all of the mechanics that the player can come across in the environment of Altered Flesh.

Environmental Hazards

The player can come across many environmental hazards, from the classic red explosive barrels to regular old fall damage.
Starting with explosive barrels. Explosive barrels are barrels that can explode which makes sense however the player can use this to his or her advantage as the player can shoot the barrels with the parry gun to explode them and do massive damage to anything in its radius., the enemy’s can also use it against you as some enemies can shoot it from range or throw it at you to do damage to the player.
The player can also encounter poison fields. Poison fields are ankle-deep puddles of toxic sludge that slowly damage the player, in the story of Altered Flesh these puddles ****are the remnants of chemical warfare used against the tear creatures with catastrophic effects on the environment.

AI Mechanics

<Work in progress>

The Dynamics

The dynamics/feelings the player should have when playing Altered Flesh is a hard thing to write down as everyone is different but still, here you will find the dynamics of Altered Flesh.

Altered Flesh should give the player the feeling of uneasiness, that nowhere is truly safe even though the protagonist has all these super powers he’s still vulnerable the player should feel this feeling of vulnerability but, the player should also feel driven to complete the goal of the protagonist and to finally take revenge, the player should also feel challenged, that everything that they do could mean the life or death of the main protagonist. Even though the game tries to make the player feel small it also tries to show the player that there is still hope.
How will this be achieved?
The Aesthetics

The game Altered Flesh has 3 main ascetics, those are Fantasy, Challenge, and Narrative.

Fantasy: The fantasy aspect of Altered Flesh is the fact that the player plays as a character that lives in a Si-Fi fantasy world which is to this point not real, however, the player can still immerse themselves in the world of Altered Flesh Because of the captivating story and visuals.

Challenge: The challenging aspect of Altered Flesh is that the combination of precise combat mechanics which require precise timing and hard-hitting enemies and the environmental hazards, causes the game to be more challenging than most other games which is is big focus for the game.

Narrative: The game is also very narrative-focused to keep the player engaged in the game. The game has a captivating story interesting side characters and an interesting main protagonist of which everything is contained in a dark and somber world.

Find the rest in the link below

Altered Flesh - Game Design Document
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Altered Flesh - Game Design Document

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