Please visit the prototype demonstrating my vision for the Polar Pledge app design...

1.  The app is designed to monitor and log both positive and negative actions, tallying how often you stick to your commitments versus when you falter. Each time you input an action, a playful penguin reacts in response.

2.  The penguin's movement signifies your progress in embracing small pledges and lifestyle changes. Depending on your average ratio of positive to negative actions, the background mountains can be designed to either melt or remain intact, offering a visual representation of your journey and motivating you to stay dedicated.

3.  You have the option to set personal goals, displayed as milestones next to the running penguin, allowing you to track your achievements.

4.  Furthermore, the app promotes a sense of community, encouraging you to inspire and be inspired by others on a similar journey.
Polar Pledge App


Polar Pledge App


Kreative områder