Profilo di TJ Gottung

Vintage Bowling Alley

This project was to make an environment in the 3d space of Cinema 4d (C4d) .Starting with the idea of a bowling alley I decided to focus on an old style alley with all the vintage inspired construction. Once all the general building blocks were in place fine tuning each piece that needed more detail than being a cube, things like the ball return, chairs, and score table. When it comes to the textures, if it wasn’t a flat material, they were made in Photoshop. Things like the bowling balls, pins, bowling lanes boards, and the carpet. Once everything was built and made to look pretty, I had a camera fly through the small 2 lane alley and give a closer look at some of the finer details around the small room.
Vintage Bowling Alley


Vintage Bowling Alley
