Perfil de Tiana Cello

Packaging: Elton John Seltzer

Rocket Seltzer by Elton John

I have been asked to create a seltzer for the well known artist, Elton John. In this project you will see my research, inspiration, brand style guide, sketches, prep work, label designs in illustrator, and more.

I believe Elton John's seltzer itself would be a super fun carbonated drink with really cool flavors. It'd be bubbly, colorful, and catchy, just like his music! Imagine drinking it and feeling like you're at a party where everything's sparkly and awesome. The name Rocket Seltzer comes from one of Elton's popular songs, "Rocket Man".
First, I began to do research on him and developed a brand identity and brand essence using key words that are used to decribe him and his career. Here is my research and inspiration google doc below (highlighted are key parts that I used in further creation):
This lead me to create my Brand Guidline where I finalized most of my decisions based on my research:
Next, I chose to do a glass bottle to create a sense of elegance for Elton John, instead of a can which most seltzers are sold in. Furthermore, I began to create my logo and labels in Adobe Ilustrator that would go onto my bottle. I wanted to incorporate eye glasses into my label because Elton John is known for his iconic glasses. He actually owns a eye wear brand as well. Here are some of my designs:
I also made made a little bottle description, added a nutrition label, and used different colors for different flavors of seltzers! My three flavors, which each represent one of Elton John's famous songs, are Rocket Raspberry (Rocket Man), Tiny Dancer Tangerine (Tiny Dancer), and Crocodile Citrus (Crocodile Rock).
Finally, I put it all together on Adobe Substance 3D Stager. I added all my labels onto the bottle and included an Adobe Stock image of bubbly seltzer to replicate what it would look like with the product in it. Each being a different color according to the flavor. Below is my first bottle I created and I wanted to show you the front and back so you could see where I put everything, especially the description and the nutrition label. The flavor of the drink (for this image it's Rocket Raspberry) is on the label closest to the top under Rocket Seltzer.
This was the background I chose and the pictures also from Adobe Stock that I used to add texture to the seltzer. I chose this background setting because I feel that Rocket Seltzer is a drink used in a more vibrant scene. Also because of it's significant colors and the personality behind Elton John. He would want his product to spark a fun and lively environment with friends.
And here is my completed project!
Overall, I am very proud of my project. It may not be perfect, but I feel that I've worked hard on it and put a lot of energy towards the final product. The process was very difficult and tedious for me because I have never had any experience with the Adobe apps or knowledge of design tools before this class. I felt that it took me longer than normal because I was learning how to use the software. And I found myself frustrated at times but found a way to figure it out. Now, I feel a little more comfortable using Adobe Illustrator, Stock, Photoshop, and even the Substance 3D Stager. I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed the process of this project!
Packaging: Elton John Seltzer

Packaging: Elton John Seltzer
