Perfil de Mac Tabilis

[the trojan rose]

The Trojan Horse is a tale from the Trojan War about the subterfuge that the Greeks used to enter the independent city of Troy and win the war. After a fruitless 10-year siege, the Greeks constructed a huge wooden horse, and hid a select force of men inside. The Trojans pulled this horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night, the Greek force crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army, which had sailed back under cover of darkness. The Greeks entered and destroyed the city, ending the war.

In a similar way, roses can also act as a ‘Trojan Horse’. Roses are universally loved for their beauty and fragrance. They are often given as gifts to express love and admiration. However, just like the Trojan Horse, roses have more than what meets the eye. Each color of a rose symbolizes different emotions and messages. For example, red roses symbolize true love, while yellow roses express joy and friendship. So, when you give someone a rose, you’re not just giving them a beautiful flower. You’re also delivering a message, hidden within its petals, waiting to be unfolded. Just like how the Greeks hid soldiers within the Trojan Horse, messages are often ‘hidden’ within roses. And just as the Trojans were unaware of what was inside the horse, often times, people are unaware of the full symbolism behind each rose they receive.

I was recently task with creating a works for a potential client. I drafted up, what I thought was a winning piece (above). It was met with praise and adoration. And I, ecstatic that I was getting work, finally. I did not pay attention to the red flags that were present. The large payment for the works blinded me up until the actual check was in hand. It was for way more than we had agreed. I thought to myself this is to good to be true. I was tasked with a second job that came with a bonus. To transfer and even larger portion of the money to another vendor due to the inability of the client to utilize digital payments. Sadly, the proceeds turned into evidence, and the rumbling sound of hunger pangs continues on.

Thanks for stopping by! Works can be found at The Trojan Rose Dark Digital Art by Mac Tabilis - Fine Art America
[the trojan rose]


[the trojan rose]
