Vuelta Ciclista Lanzarote Bike Tour | branding

La Vuelta Ciclista a Lanzarote is a unique long-distance cycling event that passes all municipalities of Lanzarote, creating a social atmosphere for cycling enthusiasts of all levels. The task was to create a brand identity that encapsulates the spirit of exploration, social engagement, while providing flexibility for future evolution.

Visual Concept:
The visual identity keeps Lanzarote at its core, with the colour palette and graphic elements drawing inspiration from the island's unique play of light and shadow against the backdrop of its iconic white buildings and volcanic landscapes. The photography plays a central role, intertwining the athletes and the island's landscapes. 

Brand identity, photographic direction, logo design, digital and print material,
experiential marketing, merchandise 

Dynamic and Flexible Branding:
The goal was to create a flexible design system that allows for easy adaptability by the in-house design team year by year. The primary logo elements can be adapted to dynamic content, and fit various themes and initiatives for each edition.

Customer Personas:
Developing customer personas was crucial, given the unusual nature of La Vuelta Ciclista a Lanzarote as both a race and a non-competitive celebration. Research was made to understand the diverse interests and motivations of the participants, keeping these personas at the forefront of decision making to ensure the brand resonates.

Lead Design, Motion Design - Helen Browne
Photography and Video - Signe Ungermand
Photography - Pedro Perez, Helen Browne

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Vuelta Ciclista Lanzarote Bike Tour | branding
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Vuelta Ciclista Lanzarote Bike Tour | branding

La Vuelta Ciclista a Lanzarote is a unique long-distance cycling event that passes all municipalities of Lanzarote, creating a social atmosphere Lire la suite

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