Persona's & Content Matrix

Welcome to my portfolio. I'm eager to share a project with you that allowed me to put my UX design skills to the test. In this assignment, Me and Jara had the task of taking feedback from users and using it to come up with practical ideas for improving a travel agency's website. We did this by creating fictional user profiles (personas) and suggesting changes to the site's content and features (content matrix). This project demonstrates our ability to turn analysis into a user-focused approach that can make a real difference in design choices.
1) Understanding User Insights
2) Persona Creation
3) Content Strategy Recommendation
Milestone 1: Understanding User Insights
For the first milestone, we were tasked with analyzing 20 traveler reviews from a travel agency. Our goal was to identify recurring themes, preferences, and pain points within these reviews to gain valuable insights into potential users, which we could then translate into user archetypes. This analysis was made with Miro.
In conclusion, our analysis of the traveler reviews led us to categorize them into three distinct archetypes:

Chill Chaser: The Chill Chasers are individuals who prefer a relaxed and unhurried approach to their vacations. They find joy in leisurely mornings, strolls along the beach or in nature, and unwinding with a good book. It's not about ticking off landmarks quickly but savoring life's simple pleasures and tranquility.

Cultural Communicator: For the Cultural Communicator, the focus is on exploring new cultures, art, and history. A typical day starts with visits to museums and historical sites. Whether they are meandering through old cities or visiting historic monuments, these individuals revel in a rich array of cultural experiences.

Nature Navigator: The Nature Navigator is deeply drawn to the beauty of the natural world. They take delight in forging new friendships while traveling and thrive on exploring nature. Hiking is one of their favorite activities, allowing them to immerse themselves in the serenity of the outdoors.

By knowing these three different types of people, we can make our services fit better with what different travelers want. Now, we're ready to move on to the second milestone using these three archetypes.
Milestone 2: Persona Creation
Welcome to Milestone 2. Now, we'll take the different archetypes before and turn them into detailed personas. These personas will help us understand different travelers better. Each one will have details like age, why they travel, what they want, what's tough for them, how they like to use the internet, and a made-up story to make them seem real to our design team.
Persona 1: Chloë Van Der Bergen (Chill Chaser)
Meet Chloe Van Der Bergen, a 'Chill Chaser.' She loves spending time with loved ones and enjoys swimming for relaxation. Coffee is a must to start her day, and she's organized in her daily life. Chloe values making memories, traveling, and embracing life's small pleasures. Yoga and mindfulness bring balance to her life, and she believes in the importance of connections, relaxation, and savoring life's simple joys.
Persona 2: Sarah Rodrigez
Meet Sarah Rodrigez, a 'Cultural Communicator.' She's a history enthusiast who fell in love with the past while visiting historic places as a child. She studied history and became a historian, passionate about sharing her knowledge and learning about different cultures. Sarah runs a blog where she inspires others to explore our rich history.
Persona 3: Julia Peters
Meet Julia Peters, a 'Nature Navigator.' She loves solo travel and has a talent for making friends wherever she goes. Julia finds happiness in simple things like camping under the stars and being in nature. Hiking through beautiful landscapes is her way of exploring and discovering the world.
In summary, our personas are ready to guide us to the next milestone: creating a content matrix. By focusing on what our personas want, we'll make our content user-friendly and relevant.
Milestone 3: Content Strategy Recommendation
Welcome to the third milestone. In this phase, we focus on content development. We start by researching competitors for essential content. Then, we find extra content our persona needs and create a plan. We also explore other websites for useful information and document at least three sources. Lastly, we bring everything together in a clear content plan.
Step 1: Minimal content
Certainly, here are the minimum requirements for a travel agency website, along with a few additional suggestions:

Essential Elements:
- Destination Selection: Dropdown menu to choose a destination.
- Check-In and Check-Out Dates: Date selection for the trip.
- Number of Guests: Option to specify the number of people.
- Search Button: A button to initiate the search.

Accommodation Listings: 
- Accommodation Image: Image of the lodging.
- Accommodation Name: Name of the lodging.
- Star Rating: Rating or classification of the lodging.
- Additional Information and Prices: Details about the lodging, including prices.
- Special Offers: Any deals or promotions available.
- Accommodation Details: A link to more information.

Accommodation Details: 
- Accommodation Photos: A gallery of images showcasing the lodging.
- Reviews: Customer reviews and ratings.
- Facilities: List of amenities and services.
- Description: A detailed description of the accommodation.
- Available Rooms: Information on room types and availability.
- Book Now Button: A button to start the booking process.
Step 2: Valuable content
In the next step, we're on a mission to find extra content that our persona values. We'll do this by creating a mind map that's based on our persona's needs, what frustrates them, what they aim for, and how they behave. This map will be our compass for curating content that connects with our audience and makes their experience even better.
With our mind map that's all about our persona's needs and preferences, we're ready to come up with new content ideas. This map helps us know what our persona wants. Now, we'll search different websites to find cool and helpful ideas.
Step 3: Research
In the third step, we're on a mission to explore websites that aren't directly related to our topic. We're searching for extra information to enrich our understanding.

We researched the websites:
- Hype-O-Dream
12 + 13 July 2024 • Waregem. (n.d.). Hype’O Dream. Retrieved October 28, 2023, from

- Reddit
Reddit. (n.d.). Reddit. Reddit. Retrieved October 28, 2023, from

- Uncomming Goods
UncommonGoods. (2019). UncommonGoods. UncommonGoods. Retrieved October 28, 2023, from

While investigating these three websites, we found valuable content for the travel agency site.
- a filter option what kinds of museums or if you want to visit cities or monuments.
- an option whether to schedule it with an agency or not?haring checklist of who wants to visit or do what?
- a vacation sharing option with friends or family?
- a group that one can create and join with random people to take a trip together.
- filter option whether you want to do activities or chill quietly.
- tips with the best shopping stores?
Step 4: Content Matrix
In the fourth step, we'll put everything together in a clear content matrix. This matrix will help us organize all the information we've collected, making it easier to plan our content strategy for the travel agency website.
Diverse perspectives lead to different thoughts on things. When people with varied experiences and backgrounds come together, they often have contrasting viewpoints and ideas about the same subject. Embracing these differences can lead to creative solutions and a richer understanding of complex issues.
Persona's & Content Matrix

Persona's & Content Matrix


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