Cecil Warner's profile

Collective Arts Tap Room Mural​​​​​​​

Collective Arts Tap Room Mural​​​​​​​
The Collective Arts Brewing building located at 207 Burlington St. East in Hamilton, Ontario, is decorated with numerous colourful murals by so many incredible artists, which falls in line with the core concept of the company being about marrying the founders' love of craft beer and art, and as a result they wished to expand the reach of the artwork to the front of the building where the tap room is located.

The building which is owned by the Port Authority of Hamilton was involved in choosing the theme of the illustration to be added to the front, so it was decided that an aquatic theme would be the direction that they would go with.
Please Note:

My role in the project was in the creation of the concept, from initial sketches to the final design, along with the colour choices.

The mural was painted by a third party muralist hired by Collective Arts Brewing.
Design Process
Within the aquatic theme of the project, I had the idea off a tentacled creature being the focus of the design with a number of other aquatic entities nested within.
Those creatures were more impressionistic in nature, which fits with how I approach my work in terms of style. Sometimes it's more the feel of the piece that I'm trying to express than drawing a literal image of a fish or a shark so to speak.
The final design was based on a squid-like creature which may give the impression that it's reaching out to grab the other aquatic life in some way, but the calmness of those creatures may tell a similar to a school of fish just hanging out for a swim.
Collective Arts Tap Room Mural​​​​​​​


Collective Arts Tap Room Mural​​​​​​​
