Toms Krastiņš-Rullis's profileGeertje Deforche's profile

UX project - From reviews into actionable strategies


This month long project challenged our UX design skills and allowed us to apply what we learned in Experience Design course. Our task - to transform insights from user testimonials into actionable strategies for a travel agency's website redesign. By creating personas and suggesting content and features, we demonstrate our ability to convert analysis into a user-centered approach that can drive impactful design decisions.


Step 1
Create archetypes

First we were given 20 different people reviews of their experience with travel agencies. Carefully we reviewed each of the provided 20 testimonials from travellers, not grouping them via stereotypes, looks & demographics, but trying to understand personality, wants and needs.


We brainstormed and identified recurring themes, preferences, and pain points to gain a deep understanding of the agency's potential users and created two archetypes. First we used stick-notes and sketches, but later - digitalised our work. We brainstormed a name for each archetype, added all the participants, wrote a description and also put references to specific person.

Step 2
Create archetypes

Following the development of our archetypes, the next step as to craft two meticulously detailed paper personas, based from the insights we had gathered. These fictional characters (personas) needed to represent the entire spectrum of distinct traveler profiles. Each persona was given a name, age, gender, a memorable quote, and a fictional narrative that brought them to life. Additionally, we outlined their travel motivations, goals, challenges, and digital preferences. To bring these personas to life visually and digitally, we used Adobe Illustrator to ensure they were aesthetically engaging.

And why do we need personas?

We use personas as a means to gain deeper insights into the potential users of our digital product. This approach allows us to not only empathise with their circumstances and emotions, but also to comprehend and appreciate their distinct individualities and unique characteristics.

Personas serve as a unifying point of reference for the team, providing a shared objective and direction. They lay the groundwork for forthcoming design dialogues and inform our decision-making processes.

Step 3
Determine minimal content

In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the requirements for a travel agency website, we had to do desktop research. We examined multiple travel agency websites and conducted analysis to determine the core content components. What content absolutely needs to be there. Without what the website can't function.

And what we found out was that a travel agency website necessitates only a select few essential elements. These include the company's logo, a clear presentation of their offerings (such as attractions and offers), information about payment options, and, notably, pictures (while pictures may not be categorised as minimal content, we recognise their significance in influencing the decision-making process when individuals are selecting a travel agency, so we included them).

Step 4
Research extra content

Once we had established the minimal content requirements, our next step was to consider the additional content that would hold value for our two personas. To achieve this, we brainstormed and created a mind map of their diverse needs, sources of frustration, goals, behavioural patterns, and more. We then added some interesting website contents that could be in the website. This is what we came up with...

And also this...


As part of this step, we extended our research beyond travel-related websites and explored other websites. Our goal = to gather inspiration and innovative ideas that could be applied to enhance the user experience and content offerings on our travel agency website.

Step 5
Content matrix

After researching on both essential and extra content and drawing inspiration from other websites, we brought all findings into a content matrix. Within this matrix, we assessed which items and content align with the personas and should be integrated into our designs, as well as those that should be removed.

Personal reflection

I experienced the assignment as stressful at times, but if you get your imagination going I also experienced it as playful. I feel proud to have completed a full project from data to a strategy that could be presented to a client. Coming to an aligned thinking as a team and dividing the work could be challenging now and then.  

I quite enjoyed this project due to its multiple project parts. Certain aspects of the project were enjoyable and engaging, such as persona development and website analysis, while others presented more challenges. I particularly enjoyed  the creatively oriented tasks. As a non-native English speaker, encountering new terminology enriched my vocabulary.

The most demanding moments were internal battles when I struggled with problem-solving or creative and analytical blocks. Initiating each project step was somewhat a bit difficult, as it often felt like navigating uncharted territory, but once we sat down and concentrated in the work, progress flowed.

In terms of teamwork, collaborating with a partner who offered diverse perspectives and thinking patterns was interesting. It created meaningful conversations and discussions, offering a glimpse into the dynamics of working within a team.

All in all, I believe this project not only provided insights into our potential professional future but also gave us valuable lessons, guiding us from client reviews to a more analytical approach. I truly believe we improved our UX design skills.

"Upon finalising the matrix, we wrap up this user experience project, and we trust you found this 'brief' presentation enjoyable.

Toms Krastiņš-Rullis & Geertje Deforhe student work 2023-2024 Experience Design 1
@Devine: Bachelor Digital Design and Development'
UX project - From reviews into actionable strategies

UX project - From reviews into actionable strategies

Welcome to our practical UX project, designed to put our UX design skills to the test and allow us to put into practice what we've learned in the Read More
