Profil von Kimberly Woets

Assignment 2 UX Design: Persona's & Content

Assignment 2: Persona's and Content Strategy
UX Design 1
In our education at Devine Howest we had an assignment regarding UX Design. We had to create persona's from 20 reviews we were given regarding a traveling agency. We had to pick apart each one in order to fit them within archetypes (Milestone 1). We then proceeded to turn those into our persona's (Milestone 2). We used those to make our Content Strategy so we could think about what content the website of a travel agency would require to fulfill the needs of our persona's (Milestone 3).

We placed all these subjects in a Miro board which you can find at the end. 
Milestone 1: Archetypes

Milestone 2: Persona's 
Milestone 3: Content Strategy
Miro Board
Team reflection:
Our difficulties were in the beginning of this project, finding the different archetypes and group them. After some good communication we finally made three archetypes named after their common interests. From that moment our teamwork went very smooth. And the tasks were mostly done fast. We had the same ideas and worked very well together with both our opinions on different insights. Overall this project was fun to do! 
Djoni Meganck & Kimberly Woets
Assignment 2 UX Design: Persona's & Content

Assignment 2 UX Design: Persona's & Content


