Femi Idris's profile

Highland Brew Coffe Co.

Highland Brew Coffee Co.

Coffee retailer and café. It will be a simple and clean environment with inside and patio seating. We are located along a busy road in Fort Collins. Our target market is people traveling to work in the morning.

The logo:
When designing the logo for Highland Brew Coffee Co., I wanted to create a mark that was both unique and memorable, and that reflected the brand's values of community, creativity, and excellence. I started by exploring different ways to represent the brand name and the coffee bean, and eventually landed on the idea of merging the two together to create a single, iconic mark.

The resulting logo is a simple yet elegant design that is both visually appealing and easy to remember. The "H" for Highlands is combined with a coffee bean to create a unique mark that is both playful and professional. The serif typeface adds a touch of sophistication and refinement, and the overall design conveys a sense of quality and craftsmanship.

The  logo for Highland Brew Coffee Co. is a perfect representation of the brand's values and mission. It is a unique and memorable design that is both visually appealing and professional. I am confident that the new logo will help Highland Brew Coffee Co. to continue to grow and succeed.

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Highland Brew Coffe Co.


Highland Brew Coffe Co.
