Plum & Blum has quickly made a name for itself in the baby food industry by standing out from the crowd. Plum & Blum is committed to using only the best, most natural ingredients. Every ingredient is carefully selected to give babies the nutrition they need to grow healthy and strong.

To reinforce its position as a top player in the industry, Plum & Blum recently unveiled a new brand identity. The updated look is more vibrant and professional, with a modern, fresh design that appeals to parents who value both style and substance. The brand's adorable mascot, Plum and Blum, received a charming makeover that captures the fun and friendly spirit of the brand.

The heart in the ampersand (&) is a nod to the brand's tagline, highlighting the love and care that goes into every recipe. For Plum & Blum, baby food isn't just a product; it's a work of love that comes straight from mommy's heart.

Plum & Blum Branding


Plum & Blum Branding
