Determining the value of petrified wood is a nuanced endeavor, contingent on a multitude of factors. One of the primary determinants is the size of the specimen, with smaller pieces typically commanding lower prices than their larger counterparts. However, it's the overall aesthetic appeal that truly sets the price range. Wholesale values can span from a mere few dollars per kilogram for unremarkable pieces to several thousand dollars for sizable, high-quality specimens that boast stunning colors and intricate patterns. In the world of petrified wood collecting, rarity and unique characteristics play a pivotal role in elevating value, sometimes to astonishing heights. It's not uncommon to find exceptional pieces with one-of-a-kind qualities fetching prices in the tens of thousands of dollars, a testament to the fascination and enduring allure of this fascinating natural relic. For more info email us at

Petrified Wood Wholesale

Petrified Wood Wholesale

The value of petrified wood can fluctuate significantly, influenced by a multitude of factors. Key among these is the size and aesthetic appeal o Развернуть
