Profiel van Gülnaz Erol

Genex Speculative Design

Genex Speculative Design
Are you tired of feeling like you‘re stuck with your plain, boring old genes? Are you ready to join the ranks of the genetically gifted and achieve the ultimate body transformation? Well, look no further than Genex Lab! We believe that everyone deserves the chance to be as fabulous as a celebrity, and that‘s why we offer the ultimate body transformation experience, complete with the genes of your favorite stars. Imagine having the chiseled abs of Chris Hemsworth, and the radiant smile of Jennifer Aniston. Our cutting-edge research methods and powerful formulas are guaranteed to give you the body of your dreams. Join the Genex Lab community today and start living your best life!

This project aims to question toxic beauty culture and its unrealistic standards, which can lead to negative body image, unhealthy behaviors, and physical harm from cosmetic procedures. Toxic beauty culture is often perpetuated by media, advertising, and other cultural institutions. We can challenge and disrupt this toxic culture by promoting body positivity, self-acceptance, and healthy behaviors. Consumers can play a role by supporting inclusive and diverse beauty standards and making informed choices about the products and messages they consume. Together, we can create a culture that values diversity and self-acceptance rather than harmful beauty standards.
Genex Speculative Design

Genex Speculative Design



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