Profil von Andrei Dan-Gabriel

RevivalCraft: Preserving Heritage Through Detail

Preserving Heritage Through Detail
Project Description:
This project embarked with the premise of utilising 3D scanning and printing technology to restore and reconstruct century-old ornaments. However, this initial approach proved challenging due to extensive weather damage and layers of paint obscuring most of the intricate details. Adapting to the situation, we utilised the 3D scans as a foundational guide, meticulously adding intricate details to closely match the original designs.
Using 3D printed scale down parts to check dimensions and fit before final production​​​​​​​:
Structural details of the 3D printed mold positive:
Structural details of the 3D printed mold positive:
Every part had to fit inside an 30x30x40 cm printing space:
RevivalCraft: Preserving Heritage Through Detail

RevivalCraft: Preserving Heritage Through Detail
