A peacock for my friend Kelly.
She likes birds and she's a very imaginative person, so this is a kind of fantasy bird for her birthday.
This is all watercolour, just a little bit fixed up in photoshop afterwards. I did not have a scanner this time, so instead I took pictures during the process.  
This is the final bird, below are some steps in the process.
This is the final bird, below are some steps in the process.
I started with just a very faint pencil line, then began painting with the watercolour pretty straight onto the paper. It's a thick (300g) Aquarelle Arches, so it can take a lot of water even if it's dry to start with. 
Putting in the colours and starting to think about shape and shadows.
Here I put in the extra thing on the right side. The balance didn't feel right, and since it's an original piece meant to stand by it self I needed it to feel right on the paper. Kind of a weird solution, but it also added a litte flatness to the background that I liked.
Close up before I started spatter colour all over the background. I made a very crude mask out of the ooriginal sketch to cover the bird and then just spattered away :)
So here is a close up of the face. After this I put on gold leaf on the crown and sprinkeled it in the background, but the gold doesn't photograph that well. 
Peacock for Kelly


Peacock for Kelly

Present for a friend, and a practice piece for watercolour.


Creative Fields