Profil von Sarah DavisProfil von SARAH DAPHNE KATHLEEN DAVIS

Title Sequences

Romance (Title Sequence 1)
This movie is based on the gothic era.Two lovers cannot be together because of a curse on their bloodline. If they can find a way to end the curse, they may be together. But until then, their love is Forbidden.

Futuristic(Title Sequence 2)
The film is based in the future. The people have all been chipped with a device that changes people to the colour linked to their emotions. This is a way of control so that people cannot hide how they feel. This has caused problems and so the people are rising and teaming together for a normal life where their emotions are their own.

Horror ( Title Sequence 3)
This horror is based in the 1600’s. A home is haunted by a murderous ghost who comes to take the lives of those who live in the house. She kills her victims with a dagger that is the key to who murdered her and how to end her vicious vengeance.

Title Sequences

Title Sequences

