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Jeremy Bloomfield Social Media and Branding Examples

Reels created for Jeremy Bloomfield
Created for Jeremy Bloomfield using the photographs he'd had taken of his brother's earrings. I wanted to do a series of Category reels featuring pieces that were actually for sale in the shop but also were available online and matched the Categories on the website. As this was originally made for Instagram I couldn't use the music chosen to go with it. I've used the excellent work of Kevin McLeod before (www.incompetech.com) and took phrases from his track, "Deep Relaxation" to match the transitions which was important.

Christmas Decorations 21
I originally made this in Photoshop back in 2021, with added sound effects and a voice-over; I love the #GeorgJensen Christmas decorations and that year, they were particularly appealing, and I felt they lent themselves beautifully to animation, even if it's the simplest kind (funnily, GJ started using animation a couple of years back as part of their Christmas campaigns so there was something in the air.) Although I do find their layout distracting, Canva has made this kind of thing more straightforward and more accessible to more people since then.

Although we created reels in the shop featuring the pearls, the lighting didn't suit the subtle lustre, so in accordance with the elegance of the jewellery, images were selected from the #MattAminoff website.
I created this music using Suno instead of what I used on Instagram. It took a little time, but this works well.

A quick motion graphic video was made to promote the new Cushion Cut Diamond Engagement Ring by presenting the other cuts in the shop, helping people recognise the difference and also introducing them to an older cut that was becoming more fashionable; this information was in the text for the post on Instagram and supported with branded images and photos of the rings in the shop. Photos by Tony May.
Once again, the music is the result of my 'collaboration' with Suno AI.

Sheldon Bloomfield's signature Multi-Sapphire Collections are a mainstay in the shop and are a draw for many people. This is an amalgamation of three videos, each showcasing the stones by shape. This was a good way of including different styles of jewellery with a shared cut, also helping to identify specific pieces from the collection.
Once again, the music is the result of my 'collaboration' with Suno AI.

Jeremy Bloomfield - GJ AURORA Earrings
A video to show the #GeorgJensen AURORA Earrings, popular with our model.
As well as featuring material from the brand itself, this was a chance to show the earrings on a 'real' person and demonstrate how to put them in, answering a question often asked in-store and likely to have been asked elsewhere.
The staff at Jeremy Bloomfield prides itself on being helpful even though it may not lead directly to a sale; it is hugely important in growing relationships, and videos such as these added to this helpfulness. Due to the original being cut to music on Instagram, I had to create something new; as I've been working quite a bit on Suno AI I could work on something suitable. I love the fact that SUNO now recognises and uses many more languages than it did a few months ago.
Jeremy Bloomfield Social Media and Branding Examples
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Jeremy Bloomfield Social Media and Branding Examples

Social Media Reels for a small independent jeweller, showcasing the jewellery in a very small area in between customers. On the fly.

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