Perfil de Helen Browne

Sports resort | UI UX

website proposal for a premiere sports hotel and resort in the Canary Islands. 

Project Goals
Enhanced user experience: streamline the website's information architecture.
Reduce Information Overload: Eliminate excessive text
Modernise the design: While adhering to the existing brand guide.

1. Research & analysis: To understand the pain points of the existing website and the needs of Club La Santa's target audience. Identified the following issues:

Overwhelming Text - made it difficult for users to find relevant information.
Complex Navigation - that lacked clarity, making it challenging for users to find the information they were interested in.

2. User Journey Mapping: Visualised user paths to identify key touch-points and pain points. Simplified the journey through improved navigation, clear calls to action, and optimised information flow.

3. Visual Identity:  Adopted a minimalistic and clean design to align with Club La Santa's Scandinavian roots, moving away from bright colour-blocked backgrounds.

4. Information Architecture: Streamlined the homepage structure, categorising activities, accommodations, and services into easily accessible sections, with concise text and the option to read more. Utilised parallax images to create a dynamic walkthrough for essential information.

Prototyping & Testing
The feedback received was largely positive, with users finding the new design more user-friendly and visually appealing. 

While the proposed design was not chosen in the end, it served as a valuable experience. This project reinforced the importance of user-centric design to improve the user journey for a complex website.

Sports resort | UI UX
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Sports resort | UI UX

User interface proposal for a sports resort website landing page in Spain. Case study to show the process and design stages involved.

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