How to be productive and energetic?
If you have ever asked yourself this question, then you should definitely read to the end.

Every day, most people plan their day, at least understand what they will do, because each person definitely has desires and goals that they want to achieve.
At the same time, days pass, and nothing planned has been done, nothing has been accomplished, or there is no energy at all for anything.
It seems that you are not moving forward and not paying attention to your plans, everyone around you is doing well, and in your life there are only failures and defeats - all this causes a feeling of disappointment and lack of motivation.

Energy can be sapped by various factors, and they can be both physical and psychological.
You've probably already seen some in many articles: stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, bad habits, lack of exercise, anxiety.
But behind all these reasons there is always a main problem - it is what needs to be identified and worked with.

How do you understand what is taking energy away from you? Below are some real reasons:
- Toxic relationships that cause stress, conflicts and negative emotions can take away your energy, because when loved ones do not support you, everything around you seems to collapse,
- A large amount of information noise: news, social networks, other people’s attitudes, fears and criticism take away energy and cause anxiety,
- Comparing yourself to others can cause feelings of dissatisfaction and stress, which in turn can affect your physical and emotional well-being.

What to do?
First of all, stop and listen to yourself, do breathing practice, study your aura, decide what you really want, what your true desires are.
In the case of a toxic relationship, study the nature of the conflicts; the problem may lie in the compatibility of the zodiac signs, for example, your partner is from a different element and needs a different approach. Take a compatibility test to better understand your partner.
If you feel constant anxiety or fear for the future, look around: who is around you? What do you hear from your loved ones every day? Study your friends and surroundings. If each family member experiences a different aura energy, this may be due to differences in their emotional and energetic state, and you are transferring this state to yourself.
Stop comparing yourself to others, each person is individual, often we only see the “outward appearance” of other people, and this can create the illusion that they are doing well. In reality, everyone has their own problems, tribulations and shortcomings.

The Aura app will help you get to know yourself and your loved ones better, take a zodiac sign compatibility test, try breathing practices, and even study the aura. Tracking your condition daily will allow you to be productive, energetic and cheerful!



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