The website is designed with kids in mind. It is simple and the buttons are large and easier to notice. The bright colors draw attention to the website.
Website mockup.
The milk carton ad, postcard, scissors with CutItOut, and magnetic pad. The scissors are a promotional item that would be handed out to students.
Cover of pad that would be given to every student in each school. The sheets on the inside have cut out lines on them. The back of the pad has a magnet so it can be put in the student's locker. When a student does something that is considered bullying, they write on the pad, cut it out, and throw it in the CutItOut can. They are then encouraged to apologize to the student they harmed. It gives students a way to literally cut hurtful things out of their lives and learn to forgive and forget.
The CutItOut can ad. The ad has a sticky back that would be placed on various trash cans in different locations throughout the school. They become the designated locations for students to drop their "regrets". All paper would be recycled.
CutItOut can mockup.
Milk carton ad. This ad would be printed on milk cartons. Milk is something that students buy, or at least see, on a daily basis and would be an effective way to reach the target audience. 
This postcard is directed towards the parents. It gives them awareness of the campaign and urges them to do their part to help. It is meant to startle the parents and help them understand that their children often bully others when they are not around.
The poster. Many middle school students now have phones and text on a regular basis, so this poster is aimed towards cyberbullying. The poster helps students to think about the impact their words have. Sarcasm and jokes often don't come through in text messages and words need to be carefully thought out.
Facebook page mockup. 
This t-shirt would be given to every student as a daily reminder of what bullying can do. 
The back of the t-shrit has the logo and website.
Cut It Out

Cut It Out

A student campaign to raise awareness of bullying in schools. The campaign is aimed towards children 10-13 years old. Research indicates that mos Read More
