Perfil de Peter Ujszászi

Advertising and Branding Concept for a Festival

The development concept for the subject system and festival environment was born through the collaboration of METU Lab and VeszprémFest.
The concept was presented but has not been implemented in the form you see here.
The plans are not exclusively the results of my intellectual work; they evolved through joint consultations with multiple teams.

Co-designers: Judit Hermann & Dorottya Flóra Nagy

The fundamental idea of our concept is to provide a visual transformation for the venues through various physical solutions. This transformation allows the city to be seen in a different light, quite literally, and with a character distinct from its usual everyday appearance, as if one were looking through a colorful window.

Combined with various sensory stimuli that can be experienced at the festival, this creates a richer and more memorable environment, which presumably would offer additional positive experiences to the visitors.

These mainly consist of structures that are part of the festival furniture, such as entrance gates, posters, banners, various mood-enhancing and information-providing support systems, all put together on an ad-hoc basis.
In addition to the inspiration drawn from Veszprém's cityscape, our concept was significantly enriched by the study of various festival furniture designs.
Furthermore, the color palette was influenced by the Roman heritage of Veszprém, specifically the study and incorporation of the mosaic system at Villa Baláca, which was integrated into the project details. (Images of this can be seen below.)
The project was created in 2021 during the collaboration of Budapest Metropolitan University and VeszprémFest.
Advertising and Branding Concept for a Festival


Advertising and Branding Concept for a Festival
