刘 若木 的个人资料

【YoYoGir】丨IP image design丨Fashion figures丨

YoYoGirl is a cultural club established by four little girls. Their names are all pronounced as YoYo in Chinese, but they have the same pronunciation but different words: independent YoYo, sunny YoYo, foodie YoYo and quiet YoYo. They have very different personalities and distinct personalities, and they also grew up together. A great friend.

YoYoGirl是四个小女孩建立的文化社团,她们名字发音都为YoYo,只是同音不同字分别为:独立的幽幽 、阳光的悠悠、吃货攸攸和文静的优优,她们性格迥异个性鲜明,也是一起长大的好朋友。
【YoYoGir】丨IP image design丨Fashion figures丨

【YoYoGir】丨IP image design丨Fashion figures丨
