Oh How Time Flies  
Concept & Objectives
Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog! Over the past two weeks, I have been working on creating a photo-realistic vector graphic watch created solely in Adobe Illustrator. This project was to test my knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, strengthen my skills within the program, and give me a good portfolio piece showcasing my value to future employers. This project has been extremely difficult as well as extremely trying on my patience. But I have also learned and gathered so much more knowledge from it that I think is invaluable. 
To start this project, I did some sketching to try and help my brain figure out the different shapes that I was seeing within the watch. My professor gave me a lot of good advice which was to not only look at the watch but to truly see the watch and all the different shapes that comprise it admittedly I was having a very tough time with this as I struggled to see all of the shapes. However, as I progressed throughout the project it became much easier for me to see and understand how those shapes were created. Sketching these shapes also gave me references that helped me put them into practice within the program.
Throughout this project, I posted multiple times to a vector graphics group on Slack and gained their feedback about what I could do to better my project. Some of the feedback that I got was to make the hour's markers thinner, duplicate and overlay the brushed metal look on the face of the watch, and switch directions so I could get the look of the watch better. I was also given feedback by my teacher about softening the gradients so I'm not having so many harsh-edged lines which do not match the diffused lighting on the watch. All of this advice and more really helped me make this project come together to look more cohesive and professional. Thank you to everyone who helped me!
As a beginner, I look forward to continuing my vector graphics skills so I can become much better when creating my future projects. But as of right now, I believe I did my absolute best to make this watch look as close to the photo as I could get it. Throughout this project, I found and surpassed the limits of my knowledge within Adobe Illustrator. I learned so much more about the program, such as blending modes, gradients, and when and where to use them. I learned how to use the Gaussian blur but in a way that is hopefully not too overpowering. I strengthened my knowledge of the tools and what the program has to offer. By spending close to 40 hours on this project I strengthened my skills by learning new techniques and new ways to create shapes and objects that work together to give me the look that I want. I believe I have succeeded in all of my objectives by creating a wonderful piece to add to my Portfolio, helping to prove to my employers that I am willing to go the distance even if it is a long and arduous process.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and look at my artwork. I hope you have a wonderful day and come back to read my next blog post. In the meantime, stay safe, have fun, and don't die.
- Elizabeth Hilsmann
Oh How Time Flies

Oh How Time Flies
