Mia Irizarry 的个人资料

DayList: A Behavioral Study & Web-app

DayList: A Behavioral Study & Web-app
DayList, a project for my Intermediate Design Studio course, was a week-long study and web-app inspired by the wide variety of genres listened to by hard-working students. This music tracking application was designed to empower college students in their quest for productive study sessions and used to help understand the listening and studying habits of college students.
An overview of all the pages in the DayList web-app. 
Beginning the study, I set out to find out what was the most popular genre of music listened to while students were working, as well as what was the most popular genre of music per various tasks students were working on. I had participants log each time they were working on something (i.e. writing a paper, coding, physical project, etc.) while simultaneously listening to music. 

If I were to conduct a continuation of this study, I'd definitely have participants also log how productive they felt after their work sessions; it'd likely provide even more insightful data that could be used to understand students' productivity 
DayList login and app state diagrams.
DayList page mockups made in Figma.
Before programming DayList, I created several state diagrams and Figma mockups that offered clarity and visualization of what needed to be done before jumping right into coding in HTML, MySQL and PHP. It helped define the expected behavior of the app system in a structured manner.
To view the results of this study, I created an admin page that displayed the statistics of each of the participants (including the user's top genre, number of logs recorded, and how long ago they logged), as well as four different graphs that each answered a different research question and discussed possible study weaknesses.

The results were mostly to be expected from the initial research done before conducting the study, with indie/alternative and EDM/hyperpop reigning as top genres overall while working, and some discrepancies among the different tasks students were working on.
DayList: A Behavioral Study & Web-app


DayList: A Behavioral Study & Web-app
