Interact Communications, Inc. (Interact) is a full-service marketing and strategic enrollment management agency that specializes in improving the student experience and educational journey of two-year college students.
I started at Interact in 2015 and in 2021 was promoted to Director of Video Services, overseeing all things video and photography related. Rarely operating the camera anymore, I was the Director and Producer both on set and in the editing booth. Touching every step of the process from the moment a creative brief comes in to the moment the video gets its final delivery allowed me to make sure we stuck to client brand guidelines and met deadlines.
This demo reel showcases some projects my team and I worked on from 2021-2023. It highlights specialized content like animation and motion graphics by our gifted animator and editor. It also shows off our talented lead videographer's drone work, b-roll, and interview shots.
I’m very proud of the content we put out. My team was highly creative and worked hard to deliver the best product to clients.
Demo Reel 2023
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Demo Reel 2023

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