Dyspnea: A life-saving plan
The mask I made, "Dyspnea," mainly appeals to the harmonious coexistence between man and nature so that people can be alert to the destruction of the environment. With "nature" and "breath" as the conceptual center, I have done a series of research on the concepts. Nature corresponds to creatures in nature, and flowers and plants, as the most common creatures in nature, have typical significance. "Breathing" can be understood as a feeling or as a way. When breathing is a sensation, the sense of lightness and floating can express smooth breathing. Conversely, closed, narrow Spaces can reflect feelings of suffocation. When I choose to express breathing as a means, I can make a device that formally represents breathing.

Visually, my work must be full of contradictory feelings, so my color should be generally agreed upon, but there is an abrupt place. After much thinking, I decided to go with wood and silver. The original wood color is more representative of a natural, unmodified color. In addition, visually adding some more jumping and sci-fi blue light strips can give the work a multi-level viewing order and strengthen the visual appreciation effect.

Although the mask is full of science fiction, I tried to incorporate the traditional Chinese concept of "harmony between heaven and man." The primary manifestation of this idea in my works is "harmony." The flowers symbolize nature, and the metal cages illustrate that people are connected, intertwined, and of the same color. Although the rod is incompatible with the color of the metal, under the winding of the blue light strip, it is integrated with the theme of the mask, reflecting a "harmonious unity" of life.

Narrative framework 

My story tells that in 3050, the Earth was ending, and to save humanity, scientists invented a mask called "salvation." This mask has the function of producing oxygen. It could provide pure oxygen for people at the end of time. I imagine the people who need this mask are hungry and have memories of their past lives. The primary purpose of the show is to produce oxygen. Although the function is simple, it has important significance. Like the name "salvation," this mask is meant to save humanity from a broken natural system. It symbolizes the continuation of human life, the cruelty of human nature to the past, and the nostalgia for life. The evolution process of the mask is from large to light, showing the "light" feeling of breathing. Visually, the design hopes to present a sci-fi and light texture.

My first impression of the word mask was "choking." Because the show covers the face, there is a sense of suffocation. So, I wanted to make a mask about breathing difficulties. According to this concept, I am associated with the end of the world; a lot of the world is caused by human technology. Space suits and monkfish inspired the look of my mask. For the Ankang fish, the light bulb is a tool to light their way through the deep ocean, while for humans, oxygen is essential for their survival. The surface I make has two layers of symbolism: a cage and a shelter. In nature, the mask that wraps the human head is the shackle of human breathing, but in the oxygen-deprived environment, it is the only option to save humanity. Therefore, my mask is not closed, but a lightweight head cover and the transparent plastic floating around the tentacles can be an opening flower or a symbol of shelter and isolation. The flower is natural and alive, but the combination with the cold metal color gives the flower the contradictory properties of human vitality and mechanization. As the key to the expression of choking and breathing, the mask is painted with hot glue to perform a more rocky feel. The blue light follows the club, connecting the ball and the cap as if the flow of life. The original wooden piles were introduced, breaking the sense of wholeness and adding a touch of natural color to the pure metal world. The shaft connects the oxygen-rich era of the past and the anoxic era of the end times and also represents the hope and yearning for the past period.
Preliminary sketches 
Refined Sketches
Making process Images
Final mask & Proc
Red and blue are complementary colors, and blue, a symbol of hope in the red light, is dazzling but petite.
In 3050, the " dyspnea " mask was born, 
and humanity has since ended the dark "dilute oxygen age"......



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