Profil Xportsoft Technologies

Torque Ayurveda e-Commerce Platform

The Project: Torque Ayurveda
With the aim to position Torque Ayurveda as a leading provider of Ayurvedic products and services, the client approached us for the design and development of the site. Through the site, he was looking to provide customers with easy access to high-quality, authentic Ayurvedic products and personalized healthcare services that cater to their specific needs.

The Design
A visually appealing and user-friendly design has been used for the site. Menus are easy-to-navigate! Best of all, clear headings and lots of white space is enhancing the readability and clarity of the site. Our team has used high-quality images and graphics for adding visual elements to the site and making it more engaging.

The Development
The website’s responsiveness ensures that it can seamlessly adapt to different devices and screen sizes, providing an optimal user experience for desktop and mobile users alike. The development of the site was entirely focused on creating a robust, reliable, and user-friendly platform that leverages modern technologies and best practices to deliver a seamless user experience.
Torque Ayurveda e-Commerce Platform


Torque Ayurveda e-Commerce Platform
