Butler Branding's profile

Butler Case Studies

Explore our collection of case studies, each showcasing our tailored strategies and their impressive results. From branding initiatives to compelling ad campaigns, witness the scope of our creative expertise.

Camarena Health
Agency of Record
Website Design & Maintenance | Video & Photo Production | Digital and General Marketing | Graphic & Print Design | Quarterly Strategies | Blog Posts | Social Media | Annual Reports

Butler is proud to serve as the Agency of Record for Camarena Health – the Heart of Healthcare in Central California. Since 2016 we have served virtually every aspect of Camarena Health’s communication, outreach, and branding. Our goal for Camarena Health has been to increase awareness in the community, properly position the brand, and enhance digital marketing efforts. Campaigns that we have helped Camarena Health launch include Break the Stigma, Shine Together, Aspire to Inspire and Camarena Foundation
Merced County Department of Public Health
Smile Strong Campaign
Comprehensive Strategy | Radio Commercial Production | Marketing Materials | Graphic & Print Design | Social Media | Messaging Strategy

In collaboration with the Merced County Department of Public Health, we played an instrumental role in launching the "Smile Strong Merced County" campaign. Our joint efforts centered on promoting oral health within the community. Through strategic messaging, multimedia assets, marketing and print materials, billboard designs, and radio jingles, all in both Spanish and English, we effectively communicated the importance of dental wellness, showcasing the collective strength of collaborative public health initiatives.
CALReach Campaign
Comprehensive Strategy | Video Production | Marketing Materials | Graphic & Print Design | Social Media | Messaging Strategy

In collaboration with the Merced County Department of Public Health, Butler Branding developed and executed strategic campaigns addressing pressing community health challenges. Drawing from MCDPH's insights into local health concerns and our expertise in branding, we crafted tailored marketing strategies that resonated with the residents. Together, we elevated awareness of key health issues and catalyzed community action, driving positive change and fostering a united commitment to improved public health outcomes.
First 5 Fresno County
Infant Safe Sleep Campaign “Sleep Safe Baby”
Comprehensive Strategy | Photo & Video | Marketing Materials | Graphic & Print Design | Social Media | Website Design & Development | Press Releases | Blog Posts | Community Events | Messaging Strategy

In a strategic partnership with First 5, we at Butler Branding addressed the vital issue of infant sleep safety through our two-year 'Sleep Safe Baby' campaign. Recognizing specific needs within the black community and collaborating with other Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), we tailored our messaging to be both culturally sensitive and effective. Leveraging our expertise in visual design and communication, we developed a campaign that deeply connected with parents and caregivers. Beyond just raising awareness, we introduced a ‘Join the Movement’ page to foster community involvement. This hub provided a range of resources, from print ads and social graphics to brochures and flyers, amplifying the campaign's message. Additionally, we made it a point to have boots on the ground. Our team connected at various events and in-person gatherings, fostering direct interactions and spreading the importance of safe sleep practices. These hands-on efforts further bolstered our reach and credibility. As a result of our multi-pronged approach, we witnessed a significant rise in safe sleep practices within targeted communities, playing a key role in decreasing sudden unexpected infant deaths.

Fresno Mission
Rebrand & Website Redesign
Comprehensive Strategy | Photo & Video | Marketing Materials | Graphic & Print Design | | Website Redesign & Development |

When the Fresno Mission, a vital non-profit in Central Valley, recognized the need to evolve their brand in tandem with their expanding services, they enlisted our expertise at Butler Branding. Together, we crafted a modernized logo that both saluted their original imagery and conveyed their enduring commitment to the community. Alongside this, we revamped their website for a more intuitive user experience, ensuring that their mission and means to support were unmistakably clear to visitors. To further amplify their story and impact, we produced compelling video content and created cohesive marketing materials that seamlessly integrated with their refreshed brand identity, fortifying their presence both online and offline.
Family HealthCare Network (FHCN)
Rebrand & Website Redesign
Comprehensive Strategy | Photo & Video | Marketing Materials | Graphic & Print Design | Website Redesign & Development | Messaging Strategy

Butler Branding spearheaded a comprehensive rebrand for Family Healthcare Network (FHCN), one of Central California's leading Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) with 45 locations and over 1,500 employees. We crafted a redesigned logo with four equal sides, symbolizing equality, stability, balance, and safety, representing an evolution from their previous brand image. This extensive rebranding not only involved logo design but also included brand strategy, website redesign, video production, photography, clear brand messaging, and a refresh of all of FHCN’s branded materials to resonate with their stature and evolution in the community.
African American Coalition
Rebrand & Website Redesign
Comprehensive Strategy | Photo & Video | Marketing Materials | Graphic & Print Design | Website Redesign & Development | Messaging Strategy

For the African American Coalition under the Fresno COVID Equity Project, Butler Branding swiftly and efficiently took action, understanding the urgency of the situation. We crafted a distinct and professional logo, drawing inspiration from the Pan-African Flag colors, ensuring it remained versatile for various facets of the coalition and future-proof against fleeting trends. Prioritizing user experience, our design offered straightforward access to vital information, including statistics, resources, and COVID-19 testing sites. In tandem with the design efforts, we rolled out a video series advocating for COVID testing and awareness in the Black community. Our holiday video campaign alone garnered over 122k views from 155k impressions across several social media platforms. Recognizing the importance of visibility for this nascent organization, we also delved into digital marketing and content creation to boost their exposure and awareness.

Family HealthCare Network (FHCN)
Our Why and Work With Us Video Production
Video & Photography Production

For Family Healthcare Network (FHCN), Butler Branding developed two impactful commercial videos titled "Our Why" and "Work With Us". "Our Why" was meticulously crafted to encapsulate the essence of FHCN's brand, shedding light on their core values and the driving force behind their services. On the other hand, "Work With Us" was designed to bolster their recruiting efforts, presenting potential employees with an inviting glimpse into the rewarding opportunities available at FHCN. Through these videos, we aimed to effectively communicate both the ethos of the organization and its commitment to fostering a dynamic and dedicated workforce.
African American Coalition
Covid 19 Videos (2)
Video & Photography Production

Butler Branding produced two crucial videos aimed at addressing the pressing concerns of the Black community in Fresno County amidst the COVID pandemic. The first video centered on the gravity of COVID's impact on the community, directing viewers to the coalition's resources for testing sites and vaccination clinics. The second video, titled "Safe for the Holidays," emphasized the importance of staying home during the pandemic to ensure the safety and well-being of loved ones. Through these productions, we sought to effectively convey essential information, fostering awareness and promoting safety within the community.
Access Plus Capital
Impact Report Video
Video & Photography Production

Access Plus Capital (APC) is a pillar of support for business owners in Central California and we crafted a compelling video showcasing the profound impact of their efforts. This video
illuminated the findings of their 2022 Impact Report, demonstrating how APC has tangibly benefitted the community. From aiding startups in Fresno County, bolstering expansions in Inyo County, to fostering franchises across the Central Valley, our video highlighted APC's pivotal role in providing both essential funding and invaluable business expertise to countless entrepreneurs and enterprises. Through this production, we aimed to encapsulate APC's dedication to driving growth and dreams in Central California.
Goldberg & Ibarra
Plans Video
Video & Photography Production

Goldberg & Ibarra desired a fresh approach to their advertisement, steering clear of outdated lawyer ad conventions. With this in mind, we crafted "Plans", a poignant video that delves into the emotive narrative of an individual dedicated to working hard for their family, despite life's unpredictability. The video underscores the message that with the dedicated assistance of Goldberg & Ibarra, no one should face life's curveballs alone, highlighting the firm's commitment to compassionate and steadfast support.
Butler Case Studies

Butler Case Studies
