JERRY's PIZZA - TV commercial and still visual

Jerry's Pizza - TV Commercial and Still Visual


Jerry's Pizza, our long time client, commissioned us for the shooting of the key visual and the video commercial for the new pulled pork pizzas joining their extended menu. We took care of the whole production, video, stills and postproduction.

Client: Jerry's Pizza

Video Credits:
Director: Ciprian Țânțăreanu
DOP: Dan Sbarcea
Motion control: Radu Sbarcea
Food styling: Adelina Țânțăreanu
Video Editing: Dan Sbarcea
Color Grading: Alexandru Tudoran


Photo Credits:
Photography: Ciprian Țânțăreanu
Food styling: Adelina Țânțăreanu
Retouching: Alexandru Tudoran

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​THANK YOU!

IG: / @alexretouch​​​​​​​ /​​​​​​​
JERRY's PIZZA - TV commercial and still visual
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