Perfil de Bhawika Chhabra

Endless Knot: The life of Buddhist nuns

Endless Knot: The life of Buddhist nuns
In April 2023, I had the opportunity to document the life of Buddhist nuns at Dolma Ling Nunnery in Dharamshala, India. Initially, I had planned to photograph monasteries in India, but my mentor suggested that I explore the nunneries as well. It was then that I discovered the Tibet Nun Project and the Dolma Ling Nunnery, the first nunnery they established. The story intrigued me, and I immediately set out to capture the daily lives of these nuns. It was an eye-opening experience that introduced me to a community of women who have dedicated their lives to the path of Buddha. One of the nuns I had the privilege of meeting had embarked on a treacherous journey to India, driven by an unquenchable thirst to study Buddhism. She was only 20 years old at the time, and in her own country, her dreams were deemed impossible. Along with other refugees from Tibet, she braved a perilous journey that took more than 25 days from India, enduring unimaginable hardships and uncertainty every step of the way. Finally, she arrived in Delhi, exhausted but determined to continue her pursuit. She joined a group of other nuns and boarded a bus to travel to Dharamshala, where they worked tirelessly to continue their studies and to build the Dolma Ling. Despite the overwhelming obstacles that threatened to derail their dreams, they persisted, knowing that their cause was worth the sacrifices they were making. In 2005, after years of unwavering dedication, the construction of Dolma Ling was finally complete, and the nuns' dream was realized in all its glory. She now holds a Geshema degree equivalent to a Ph.D. in Buddhism and is one of the senior nuns teaching at the nunnery. 
Spirituality is at the core of the nuns' lives, but their life of dedication is not limited to their spiritual practice. The nuns at Dolma Ling Nunnery run a confectionery shop and a small cafe to learn basic organization skills in the nunnery for visitors. The shop and restaurant are entirely managed by the nuns, and it is an excellent opportunity for them to learn entrepreneurial skills. They do every work possible at the nunnery all by themselves whether it is electrical work, tailoring, cooking for everyone, or cleaning. They follow the same routine almost every day, and their daily life is a reflection of their deep commitment to the path of Buddha. One of the most exciting aspects of the Dolma Ling Nunnery is the famous Buddhist debates that take place there. These debates are a vital part of the nuns' training and education, and it was fascinating to witness their passion for learning. They wake up early in the morning before dawn to perform their daily prayers engage in meditation and take classes later in the day. The nuns are very passionate about learning and they spend hours studying and learning different languages and Buddhist philosophy. The history of the Tibet Nuns' escape to India adds a significant context to their commitment and devotion. Until this time in the history of the world women have not been given the same opportunity to study as men but due to the efforts of these nuns and the Tibet nun project it is now possible for nuns to gain the highest level of degree in Buddhism. The Dolma Ling nunnery is now home to more than 250 nuns coming from different parts of the world including Tibet, Nepal, Ladakh, Kinnaur, etc. The Nunnery is established in beautiful surroundings, with a stunning view of the Dauladhar range. It provides a peaceful and serene environment that allows the nuns to focus on their spiritual practice. This photo story showcases the daily life of the nuns at Dolma Ling Nunnery, and the beautiful and humbling sight to see them devotedly following the path of Buddha and living a life of commitment
Endless Knot: The life of Buddhist nuns

Endless Knot: The life of Buddhist nuns


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