I saw this lovely photo online (tumblr) and I decided that I wanted to make it my own and paint it. Here's the process. 
Original photo (not my own)
Putting the acrylic layer down to get all my colors in the right place. 
Starting the oil layer taking it a section at a time.
The face is done! Now it's the tricky part, her head wrap and this is the part where I made it my own. I'm working on getting better and drawing fabric and hair, so bare with me. What I did with her wrap is I left it with solid colors and no designs because I wasn't sure how the designs would come out if I decided to paint them on there and I didn't want to mess up my painting. 
Head wrap is finished and now all there is left to do is clean up some edges and paint the background over.
I noticed the wrap looks a little matisse/cezanne ish in terms of the colors and style, yes? no? I don't know!
All finished!