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National Innovation Summit

Ideas. Inspiration. Community.

The National Innovation Summit for Arts & Culture brought together pioneering arts leaders for a high-profile event from October 20-23, 2013.

As an Art Director at The Workshop, I helped create a visual language and brand mark for the new Denver-based event. During the 4 months-process, we looked to create a bold and vibrant identity that would define the arts and culture sector’s capacity to innovate and adapt. A Symbol that'd need to be flexible for print, digital and broadcast formats.

We got inspired by the growing movement of art in general, but also the innovation and adaptive changes that are essential to the discipline, which are symbolized by the colored shapes tied to each other, creating an infinite pattern. 

In Denver, Colorado, 250 pioneering arts leaders and funders from 14 different communities came together for a non-traditional conference that explored the challenges, discoveries, and achievements of daring to depart from traditional approaches.

Simultaneously, nearly 2,000 participants joined the extended experience of the Virtual Summit by watching 27 livestreamed Talks and contributing to discussion via Twitter.


National Innovation Summit

National Innovation Summit

On October 20-23, 2013 in Denver, Colorado, 250 pioneering arts leaders and funders from 14 different communities came together for a non-traditi Se mer
