Profil użytkownika „Coco JM”

Traveloka Xperience - NgabubuRight

YEAR                PROJECT
2019                  NgabubuRight - Traveloka Xperience (Coco's Version) 

Throughout Ramadan, Indonesians, especially Muslims, tweak their daily routines, with a notable shift in their eating habits. They maintain a structured schedule during the day, except for a brief window from 4 to 6 pm, which is referred to as "ngabuburit" time, often deemed the "crucial hour." While seeking distractions to pass the time, they encounter limitations on their usual activities. Ngabuburit has become a significant element of Indonesia's Ramadan culture, embraced even by non-fasting individuals due to their surroundings. Waiting for iftar (the evening meal to break the fast) can be somewhat tedious. Hence, NgabubuRight steps in to the rescue, making your ngabuburit time absolutely delightful and RIGHT during the Ramadan month!

In this project, I've developed an illustrative concept with a dependable yet distinctive feel, using a blend of retro aesthetics and modified Middle Eastern architectural patterns, along with Traveloka's blue and coral colors. My aim was to create a design that stands out and looks different among the multitude of graphics during Ramadan.

The version presented above has been updated with a new design and layout compared to the previous version released in 2019 and subsequently revised in 2023 (for personal use only). Additionally, several other versions are also displayed, which are extended versions that didn't make the final cut – hence, they are labeled as Coco's Version.

COPY REFRESHMENT: Adrico JM, Kukuh Al Rasyid, A Prabandaru
The title "Ngabuburight" was created and discovered by Armand A

CREATIVE LAB TEAM: Ginna Finalis, Armand A, Christy, Regina, Halief Ardiasyah
MARKETING TEAM: Kenny G, Gifarie Effendy, Terry S

View other works and versions on Instagram.
Traveloka Xperience - NgabubuRight

Traveloka Xperience - NgabubuRight
