Resume Design

Updated my resume again this year and made it lighter. Feel more at home with this design, fonts are more fun and layout is more professional looking.

The mock up -images are created with ai-tool Midjourney and finishing touches created with Photoshop and it's generative fill tools.

Here is a prompt I used: mock up empty, white A4 size paper on graphic designers work desk color scheme: white, clean, warm, photography, photorealistic --v 5.2 --ar 16:9

I generated mock up images few times, exchanging words: Graphic designer to ux and ui designer and illustrator also. I also modified prompt by sometimes removing word warm and adding sunlight. But these three images are what I'm most happy with.

I also created smart product mock ups with photoshop. First by generating smart layer, for exhangable content and then adjusting paper size to fit A-series of paper.
Redesigning my CV


Redesigning my CV
