"Tangled in Red"
Acrylic on Canvas
60" x 50"

When I was making this piece, I was in an interesting place in life, no help that Covid-19 was taking on the world at full force. I was fascinated by the red string of fate at the time and I felt as if I was getting tangled up in the string trying to find then end of it. There are many other meanings for different aspects of the painting, the tree representing my life journey, showing the many opportunities I've had in the past, and then new paths growing as I grow. The abstract background reflecting my feelings about my own personality, I had always wondered if I was a mirror, mirroring everyone's personalities. The tree being placed between two mountains, one overflowing, one that seems to be more still. Overall I enjoy the meaning this piece has for me and I am proud of how it came out.
Tangled in Red

Tangled in Red
